HI Gianluca,
 Glad to hear that your problem is solved. As you redeployed Hosted Engine , default gluster service is not enabled in cluster because of that you are not able to see gluster volumes.
Please edit cluster in admin protal and select the checkbox "Enable Gluster service" and save, your problem will be resolved :)

On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 7:43 PM Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 12:02 PM Gobinda Das <godas@redhat.com> wrote:
Looks like your gluster deployment is happy, all gluster volumes will be up and running. Only you need to cleanup hosted-engine-deployment
And start with Hosted Engine deployment. run the command "ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup -q" and from wizard use "Hosted Engine" deployment.
Please make sure appliances is installed and vdsm service is up and running.

Thanks Gobinda and Parth.

I followed what indicated by Gobinda:

[root@ovirt ~]# ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup -q
  -=== Destroy hosted-engine VM ===-
You must run deploy first
  -=== Killing left-behind HostedEngine processes ===-
/sbin/ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup: line 57: kill: (18988) - No such process
error: failed to get domain 'HostedEngine'

  -=== Stop HA services ===-
  -=== Shutdown sanlock ===-
shutdown force 1 wait 0
shutdown done 0
  -=== Disconnecting the hosted-engine storage domain ===-
You must run deploy first
  -=== De-configure VDSM networks ===-
  -=== Stop other services ===-
Warning: Stopping libvirtd.service, but it can still be activated by:
  -=== De-configure external daemons ===-
Removing database file /var/lib/vdsm/storage/managedvolume.db
  -=== Removing configuration files ===-
? /etc/init/libvirtd.conf already missing
- removing /etc/libvirt/nwfilter/vdsm-no-mac-spoofing.xml
? /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf already missing
? /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf already missing
- removing /etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/certs/cacert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/certs/vdsmcert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/keys/vdsmkey.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-migrate/ca-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-migrate/server-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-migrate/server-key.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice/ca-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice/server-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice/server-key.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/ca-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/server-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/server-key.pem
- removing /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/libvirt/clientcert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/libvirt/private/clientkey.pem
? /etc/pki/ovirt-vmconsole/*.pem already missing
- removing /var/cache/libvirt/qemu
? /var/run/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/* already missing
? /var/tmp/localvm* already missing
  -=== Removing IP Rules ===-
[root@ovirt ~]#

Then I executed the hosted engine setup from the wizard and chose Gluster as the shared storage and all worked ok.

Now I have the final engine up and the 3 storage domains active.
The only strange thing I see is that on the host the volumes are active (obviously ;-) but in ovirt web admin gui the storage -> volumes page is empty.

[root@ovirt ~]# gluster volume list

[root@ovirt ~]# gluster volume status engine
Status of volume: engine
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick ovirtst.righini.storage:/gluster_bric
ks/engine/engine                            49152     0          Y       12947
Task Status of Volume engine
There are no active volume tasks
[root@ovirt ~]# gluster volume status data
Status of volume: data
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick ovirtst.righini.storage:/gluster_bric
ks/data/data                                49153     0          Y       13195
Task Status of Volume data
There are no active volume tasks
[root@ovirt ~]# gluster volume status vmstore
Status of volume: vmstore
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick ovirtst.righini.storage:/gluster_bric
ks/vmstore/vmstore                          49154     0          Y       13447
Task Status of Volume vmstore
There are no active volume tasks
[root@ovirt ~]#

[root@ovirt ~]# df -h | egrep "Size|rhev"
Filesystem                                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
ovirtst.mydomain.storage:/engine                    100G  8.6G   92G   9% /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ovirtst.mydomain.storage:_engine
ovirtst.mydomain.storage:/data                      300G  5.2G  295G   2% /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ovirtst.mydomain.storage:_data
ovirtst.mydomain.storage:/vmstore                   200G  3.5G  197G   2% /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/ovirtst.mydomain.storage:_vmstore
[root@ovirt ~]#



Is there anything to enable to have the volumes visible?


