On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 2:49 PM, Mariusz Kozakowski <mariusz.kozakowski@sallinggroup.com> wrote:
On Tue, 2018-06-05 at 23:26 +0200, Simone Tiraboschi wrote:
I tried to deploy hosted-engine over vlan over a bond and everything worked as expected but I also found a case where it fails: SetupNetworks is going to fail if bond0.123 is correctly configured with an IPv4 address while the untagged bond0 lacks IPv4 configuration.
Simply configuring a static IPv4 address from an unused subnet  on the untagged bond is a valid workaround.

Ok, I removed all bridges, so IPs are configured on bond0.id, added dummy IP for bond0, flushed iptables. And it works. So thank you for your help!
Thanks for the report. 

One last question - does the bond0 IP is still needed or it's just issue during install and now we can delete it?

Please keep it since vdsm could potentially try to rollback your network configuration to its initial status if something is reported to be down for a relevant amount of time.
Best regards/Pozdrawiam/MfG

Mariusz Kozakowski

Site Reliability Engineer

Dansk Supermarked Group
Baltic Business Park
ul. 1 Maja 38-39
71-627 Szczecin