On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 9:40 PM Fedele Stabile <fedele.stabile@fis.unical.it> wrote:
Thank you for the answer Gianluca,
the windows vm is new,
other linux vm don't have warning messages on the guest-agent.
So the problem about shared folder is related to a bug on the old release of oVirt, if I understand.


Guest tools configuration has changed between versions..
Did you install ovirt-guest-tools on the VM from the iso available at your engine vm package?
Did the related service start in WIndows 10 OS?

You didn't reply why you are forced to use so an "old" oVirt version: it is not old in absolute, but oVirt is rapidly evolving and you should stay at maximum behind one version.
So if the latest is 4.3, stay no behind 4.2. Now, with 4.4 out since many months, stay no behind 4.3 at least...
This way you get more correct help because more guys are on latest versions, that got many enhancements and many bug fixes (eg with snapshot management, illegal disks state some time, and so on)
