OK, that's a great place for me to start. However the problem is that all my post-install tooling is now running on a VM that knows nothing about itself (having been installed via pxe and kickstart) like it's {vm_id}.  Can the API be used to query for a VM and it's attributes based on something like a MAC address or the IP itself?


On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 11:05 PM, Ondra Machacek <omachace@redhat.com> wrote:
We don't have any such resource. We have those information in different
 places of the API. For example to find the information about devices of
the VM, like network device information (IP address, MAC, etc), you can


The FQDN is listed right in the basic information of the VM quering the
VM itself:


You can find all the information about specific attributes returned by
the API here in the documentation:


On 02/25/2018 03:13 AM, Geoff Sweet wrote:
Is there an API endpoint that VM's can query to discover it's oVirt metadata? Something similar to AWS's <> query in EC2? I'm trying to stitch a lot of automation workflow together and so far I have had great luck with oVirt. But the next small hurdle is to figure out how all the post-install setup stuff can figure out who the VM is so it can the appropriate configurations.


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