Hi Jiri,
Thanks for the update...actually i want to use collectd to collect the usages report of the VM's...as the ovirt DWH/Reports tool is not good...so in the begnning all good with colellctd and graph,as all the VM resides on the same HV and get the guest interface in the sequence :-
HV1 :- Has 2 VM (A & B) with 1 Nic each means VM A allign with vnet0 and VM B allign with vnet1
HV2 :- Has 2 VM (C & D) with 1 Nic each means VM C allign with vnet0 and VM D allign with vnet1
Now in any case when the VM A migrate from HV1 to HV2..VM A Nic will change with vnet2...i want to remove this behavior,if it's with uuid instead of vnet ,in any case vm migrate to any HV,the nic name will remain same...and all the rrd data will also remain the same for graph...
Now if it change to vnet2,in the collectd-web it displays two rrd (vnet0 and vnet2)...is there any way to change it with uuid instead of vnet...