On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 2:33 PM, Osvaldo ALVAREZ POZO <alvarez@xtra-mail.fr> wrote:

In my server I have 4 nics

I was thinking about using NIC3 and 4 for starage (ISCSI or NFS)
Two (NIC1 and 2) For management and VM traffic using VLAN.

But when I installed Ovirt, I had to use the firts NIC without Vlan. Native vlan did not work. So at the switch the NIC1 and 2 are in mode access.

After deploying hosted-engine the ovirtmgmt network was create on first NIC. If I want redundancy I would have to add nic 2 to ovirtmgmt .

And there is no more NICS for the VMs.

Are there a way to configure VLAn on ovirtmgmt, moving hosted-engine to a VLAN?

Any idea?




I would suggest creating a non-vlan ovirtmgmt network (for management) on a bond (that has nic1 and nic2 as slaves).
When that works out, you can add another VM network with a VLAN set on the same bond.
On the switch you will need to define a trunk with the VM network VLANID and a default access that corresponds to the management network.
