Alexey, you have picked the third option and leaving host selection to DNS resolver. 

But in general the solution 2 also should work, right? 


On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 4:50 PM, Николаев Алексей <alexeynikolaev.post@yandex.ru> wrote:

For Gluster storage, specify the full address, using either the FQDN or IP address, and path name of the shared storage domain.

Important: Only replica 3 Gluster storage is supported. Ensure the following configuration has been made:

  • In the /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol file on all three Gluster servers, set rpc-auth-allow-insecure to on.

      option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on
  • Configure the volume as follows:

      gluster volume set volume cluster.quorum-type auto
      gluster volume set volume network.ping-timeout 10
      gluster volume set volume auth.allow \*
      gluster volume set volume group virt
      gluster volume set volume storage.owner-uid 36
      gluster volume set volume storage.owner-gid 36
      gluster volume set volume server.allow-insecure on
I have problems with hosted engine storage on gluster replica 3 arbiter with oVIrt 4.1.
I recommend update oVirt to 4.2. I have no problems with 4.2.
19.01.2018, 16:43, "Artem Tambovskiy" <artem.tambovskiy@gmail.com>:

I'm still troubleshooting the my oVirt 4.1.8 cluster and idea came to my mind that I have an issue with storage settings for hosted_engine storage domain. 

But in general if I have a 2 ovirt nodes running gluster + 3rd host as arbiter, how the settings should looks like? 

lets say I have a 3 nodes: 
ovirt1.domain.com (gluster + ovirt)
ovirt2.domain.com (gluster + ovirt)
ovirt3.domain.com (gluster)

How the correct storage domain config should looks like? 

Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
Setup a DNS record gluster.domain.com pointing to IP addresses of gluster nodes


Of course its related not only to hosted engine domain, but to all gluster based storage domains.

Thank you in advance!

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