Of course bugs can be version-specific, so, while searching for one related to what your issue is, I became curious about what oVirt version you're running [3.4,3.5 ect] ,, and the base OS [Fedora 21, el7 ect]..  if you're running self-hosted [allinone] pr desperate engine/node machines..

Would you mind providing a little more of such info in order to aid in the troubleshooting process?


On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 6:09 AM, Cristian Mammoli <c.mammoli@apra.it> wrote:
 All the vms I create (from scratch or Template) ar marked with an exclamation mark. Mouseover says:

No Error|Actual Timezone in the guest differs from the configuration|Actual operating system type differs from the configuration.

Needless to say that timezone matches in the config and in the vm and that the os matches the one configured

Is it a bug?
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