On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Itamar Heim <iheim@redhat.com> wrote:
On 03/01/2012 04:21 PM, Terry Phelps wrote:
I have a new ovirt installation that I am playing with. If it matters, I
built it by installing and patching Fedora 16, installing the
ovirt-engine RPM and then configuring this same machine as my "node", or
host, or whatever you call it.

I created 3 NFS shares on this machine for the 3 required domains, and
then created those domains in the ovirt-engine. I have uploaded a ISO
and created a couple of VMs and they work.

HOWEVER, when create a virtual disk for my VMs, I specifiy the "data
domain" as its location, and have then found, twice in three tries, that
the virtual disk is placed on the "export domain". I am quite sure I am
specifying my "data domain" when I create the disk. But then when I
click on the VM, and then open the "General" tab, the "Resides on
Storage Domain" field says "export".

And when I look at the host, the virtual disk really IS in the export

[root@oravm2 exportdomain]# find . -type f | xargs ls -l
-rw-rw---- 1 vdsm kvm 10737418240 Mar  1 09:17

I can't imagine what I might be doing wrong to make this happen. There
is no domain placement when I create the VM, as best I can tell.
Placement is given only when I create the virtual disk.

Anyone have an idea on this?

actually, there is not even support for creating a disk on the export domain, only on data domain, so indeed very strange.
backend/vsdm logs from an "add disk" command?

I don't know exactly where to look for "backend/vsdm logs from an "add disk" command". If you'll tell me, I'll forward them.

But here's some more information:

1. You said there's "not even support for creating a disk on the export domain". But when I create a virtual disk, the "new virtual disk" window that comes up has a field called "Storage Domain", and the dropdown box shows both "data" and "export".

2. Here's an except from /var/log/libvirt.log, which shows where the new disk is:

2012-03-01 14:13:45.170+0000: 32549: debug : virDomainCreateXML:1833 : conn=0x7f884402e2b0, xmlDesc=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain type="kvm">
                <disk device="disk" type="file">
                        <source file="/rhev/data-center/4a224f0c-62ed-11e1-a7d2-001a64db74a4/0efcc135-2a17-4cfd-ba7d-c3735349d455/images/fda97fda-f0ca-4926-9a3e-af836466b5b1/9167e3a9-1e98-4f11-a99c-616adbe52f95"/>
                        <target bus="virtio" dev="vda"/>
                        <driver cache="none" error_policy="stop" io="threads" name="qemu" type="raw"/>

And here's some shell commands from the host, that (as best I can tell) shows the disk path name from above to be in the export domain:

# pwd

[root@oravm2 4a224f0c-62ed-11e1-a7d2-001a64db74a4]# ls -l
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vdsm kvm 88 Feb 29 14:01 0efcc135-2a17-4cfd-ba7d-c3735349d455 -> /rhev/data-center/mnt/oravm2.acbl.net:_exportdomain/0efcc135-2a17-4cfd-ba7d-c3735349d455
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vdsm kvm 85 Feb 29 14:01 862e4be6-8aca-4c68-ac52-d9e73151b468 -> /rhev/data-center/mnt/oravm2.acbl.net:_isodomain/862e4be6-8aca-4c68-ac52-d9e73151b468
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vdsm kvm 86 Feb 29 14:01 cacfa958-dc71-49ae-b1cd-a51bde0f860d -> /rhev/data-center/mnt/oravm2.acbl.net:_datadomain/cacfa958-dc71-49ae-b1cd-a51bde0f860d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vdsm kvm 86 Feb 29 14:01 mastersd -> /rhev/data-center/mnt/oravm2.acbl.net:_datadomain/cacfa958-dc71-49ae-b1cd-a51bde0f860d