
I change the hostname of my hosted engine using script below:

However, as shown attached, the old hostname of "ovirt-engine.pbtech" seems to still be expected for some reason.  As a result I cannot connect to VMs via console.

Any idea on how to make WSS to use the proper hostname?

In file "https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/networking/changing-engine-hostname/" I defined "PROXY_HOST=FQDN" then restarted ovirt-websocket-proxy.service but no change.

Thanks very much!


Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Scientific Computing Unit
Weill Cornell Medicine
1300 York Avenue
New York, NY 10065
E: doug@med.cornell.edu
O: 212-746-6305
F: 212-746-8690