
Thanks...can you suggest me any good how to/article for the glusterfs with ovirt...

One strange thing is if i will try both (compute & storage) on the same node...the below quote not happen....

Right now, if goes away, all your gluster mounts go away and your VMs get paused because the hypervisors can’t access the storage. Your gluster storage is still fine, but ovirt can’t talk to it because isn’t there.

Even the goes down...i can still access the gluster mounts and no VM pause....i can access the VM via ssh...no connection failure.....the connection drop only in case of SPM goes down and the another node will elect as SPM(All the running VM's pause in this condition).

On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 4:12 AM, Darrell Budic <darrell.budic@zenfire.com> wrote:
You need to setup a virtual IP to use as the mount point, most people use keepalived to provide a virtual ip via vrrp for this. Setup something like and use that for your mounts.

Right now, if goes away, all your gluster mounts go away and your VMs get paused because the hypervisors can’t access the storage. Your gluster storage is still fine, but ovirt can’t talk to it because isn’t there.

If the SPM goes down, it the other hypervisor hosts will elect a new one (under control of the ovirt engine).

Same scenarios if storage & compute are on the same server, you still need a vip address for the storage portion to serve as the mount point so it’s not dependent on any one server.


On Jul 3, 2014, at 1:14 AM, Punit Dambiwal <hypunit@gmail.com> wrote:


I have some HA related concern about glusterfs with Ovirt...let say i have 4 storage node with gluster bricks as below :-

1. to with 2 bricks each and i have distributed replicated architecture...
2. Now attached this gluster storge to ovrit-engine with the following mount point
3. In my cluster i have 3 hypervisior hosts ( to SPM is on
4. What happen if will goes down.....can hypervisior host can still access the storage ??
5. What happen if SPM goes down ???

Note :- What happen for point 4 &5 ,If storage and Compute both working on the same server.

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