Den 31 maj 2018 19:16 skrev Christopher Cox <>:
On 05/31/2018 11:55 AM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
> Den 31 maj 2018 17:57 skrev Christopher Cox :
> I found some humor in the signature... so, my own spin.
> TRIED (by a few). TESTED (a bit). TRUSTED (for now).
> Hah, that is awesome, LOL! :) Nothing negative towards any devs, I know
> you do your best, but with some self-distance, the above is very apt.
> 1) Our community isn't that large
> 2) You test what you can but certainly not all possible (sometimes
> impossible :)) scenarios
> 3) Alot of the community, myself included are hesitant of upgrading
> until the next major release, always staying one major behind.
> Not complaining one bit, I have what I payed for; not a dime, yet gotten
> so much out of it, it's amazing! Big thanks to everyone involved for the
> work you do!

I second the sentiment to all the devs who work on oVirt. It's really
really good stuff considering.

But as a FOSS contributor, I stand behind my modification of the sig
above. It's akin to the "Linux sucks" motto (it just sucks less).

Totally agreed!


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