Clearly something is missing from this installation. All of the basic descriptions, screen shots and YouTube videos even of older versions show a simple interface where VM's can be created and managed like you would expect with any hypervisor. I have a Web Interface with several different tabs, but there is no means to even create a VM.
If Choose Help and About it reports:
Web Console
Cockpit 305
cockpit-bridge 305
cockpit-system 305
cockpit-ws 305
On the left hand side I have a vertical explorer, at the top is a drop-down list with my 3 nodes I can select from;
Next is a search box
then System (not clickable just a heading with 5 sub items)
Then Tools (not clickable just a heading with 4 sub items)
Diagnostic Reports
Kernel Dump
Any help is appreciated. If anyone knows of another discussion forum that I might peruse please let me know.
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