----- Original Message -----
> From: "Blaster" <Blaster@556nato.com>
> To: "Yedidyah Bar David" <didi@redhat.com>
> Cc: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Monday, January 6, 2014 5:20:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [Users] virtualized engine / port to self-hosted engine
> On 1/6/2014 7:12 AM, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:I didn't try that. In principle it can. Note that it will only backup/restore
> > Did you have problems with engine-backup? Or had other reasons to not
> > use it? Thanks!
> Can engine-backup be used to move an AIO configuration from one host to
> another?
the engine - not local storage domains (ISO or data), VM images, etc.
If you try that, please report back. Thanks!
Changing the hostname is specifically not in the scope of engine-backup.
> I currently need to move an AIO configuration from AMD hardware to Intel
> I7 hardware. The engine-backup WIKI discusses backups, but not
> restores. I am a bit concerned about using engine-backup to restore an
> AIO configuration to a different system as another WIKI page with
> step-by-step instructions to do what engine-backup does for you,
> mentions you have to do some extra steps if you are changing hostnames
> as the hostname of the ovirt-engine is embedded in the database.
Note that you do not need to have the hostname equal to the "fqdn" input
during engine-setup - this last one just needs to be dns-resolvable and
point to the machine intended.
Also, there is another utility to do that, called ovirt-engine-rename -
see this for details and implications:
Not sure what you mean exactly, but you are always welcome to open BZs on
> There really needs to be some work done in Ovirt on making it easier to
> import existing disk images and just generally moving things around
> without having to bounce off an NFS server.
> Should I do a BZ on that?
Best regards,