On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 9:49 PM Mark R <ovirtlist@beanz.33mail.com> wrote:
Hello all,


New 4.4.1 hosted-engine install. Pre-deploy, the host already had bond0 and its iSCSI interfaces configured. The deploy correctly sets up the ovirtmgmt interface using the bond, and when everything finishes up it's working as expected.  However, I then need to create a VLAN-based network and attach to the same bond0 interface. Editing the host networks and dragging the VLAN 102 interface to the bond alongside ovirtmgmt, then clicking "OK" results in a failure every time. The error returned is:

    VDSM ovirt5.domain.com command HostSetupNetworksVDS failed: Internal JSON-RPC error: {'reason': 'Unexpected failure of libnm when running the mainloop: run execution'}

can you please share supervdsm.log from the relevant host?

I can break the bond and apply this an any other VLAN-based network at will, but then it's not possible to add the interface I removed to create the bond again. That may be by design and it's not supposed to be possible to attach an interface and create a bond once you've already assigned logical networks to it. The error there is "Error while executing action HostSetupNetworks: Interface already in use".

This is in fact desired by design as we do not support having an interface under bond and at the same time have a network defined over it.

I'm just putting out feelers to see if this is a known issue that other people are hitting, or are other folks with hosted-engine 4.4.x deploys readily creating that initial bond0 interface and assigning any VLAN-based logical networks they want w/o issue?  These same hosts (they still aren't in prod so I rebuild them at will) run 4.3 with no issues and setting up the exact same network configurations works flawlessly, it just becomes an issue on 4.4.1. This host was freshly installed today and has all updates.

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Ales Musil

Software Engineer - RHV Network

Red Hat EMEA

amusil@redhat.com    IM: amusil