You will need to add the hosts to oVirt only to manage the gluster deployment -i.e creation of volumes, setting volume options, add/remove bricks, monitoring gluster volume.

To consume the gluster volume as storage domain, you don't necessarily need to add the hosts (in a non-hyperconverged requirement).
localhost for mount will work only if glusterd service is running on all the hypervisors and the hypervisors are part of the cluster that the volume being mounted belongs to.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Bill Bill <> wrote:

If the gluster cluster is not hyperconverged, do those hosts (gluster nodes) still need to be added into oVirt to be managed and be able to use the native gluster connection or can you just use DNS or hosts entries: glustermount glustermount glustermount glustermount glustermount


In the storage settings, I assume using localhost:/glustermount is OK?

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