Hi, Im having a strange situation with, Im always getting " Failed Adding new Host node03 to Cluster Default " after adding a second host to the cluster.
I tried re installing both nodes and hosted engine, just in case there's something wrong with the initial config, so starting from zero Im getting the same result.

Im currently running centos7.4 on both hosts, fully updated; hosted engine storage is nfs, reachable and mountable by both hosts, iscsi for the VM's infra.

each host has 3 interfaces:
eno1-- not used
eno2-- ovirtmgmt bridge (+vlans)
enp3s0f0 -10GBe to iscsi storage (disabled for troubleshooting purpose)
enp3s0f1 -10GBe to iscsi storage (in use)

all the interfaces are reachable and pingable.

any hint? Im attaching the deploy log.
