
It's important for disk alignment. If the Web UI doesn't have the option, I can recommend you to deep dive into the cli or use the ansible role from the engine.

Just follow https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_gluster_storage/3.5/html/administration_guide/brick_configuration

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 20:14, Dominique D
<dominique.deschenes@gcgenicom.com> wrote:

When creating a gluster brick in oVirt (host->Storage Devices->Create Brick), I have to fill in the parameters
of the RAID volume the brick : RAID-type, number of disks and stripe size.

My setup is DELL RAID Controler PERC H710
4 SSD disks raid5
Default stripe for Dell RAID-controller defaults is 64KB.

I have no choice of a Raid 5 and if I choose Raid6, 4 or 3 disk, 64KB or 128KB Stripe. It does not work, (Failed to create brick data_ssd on host xxx of cluster Default). The only option that works is RAID type = None

tried to find information about this, but no luck yet..

I tried ovirt engine and lastest

Can I leave this to None ? Performance ?

Thank you
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