On 22. 4. 2022, at 12:18, Winfried de Heiden <wdh@dds.nl> wrote:

Hi all,

For some reason, I am not able to create or import tempates. Creating a template from an existing VM (using the UI) will result in the ui.log:

2022-04-22 10:45:30,273+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.ui.frontend.server.gwt.OvirtRemoteLoggingService] (default task-13) [] Permutation name: 1EBF700FBD4B5CDF0BCDABD7F03C4FA9
2022-04-22 10:45:30,273+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.ui.frontend.server.gwt.OvirtRemoteLoggingService] (default task-13) [] Uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'a')

Trying to import a template will result in ui.log:

2022-04-22 12:17:02,383+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.ui.frontend.server.gwt.OvirtRemoteLoggingService] (default task-20) [] Permutation name: 45A889347BD114EA48B9B9409FF70ADC
2022-04-22 12:17:02,383+02 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.ui.frontend.server.gwt.OvirtRemoteLoggingService] (default task-20) [] Uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : e is null

New bug? Anyone?

could be, but it would help to include more logs. 
feel free to open one and add full engine.log and describe the hostory of that setup and VM, upgrade, from which versions, etc.


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