On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:33 AM, Резников А.А. <reznikov_aa@soskol.com> wrote:
16.03.2017 12:05, Simone Tiraboschi пишет:
grep host_id /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf

 vds_spm_id |     vds_name    
          1        |     h1new.lan
          2        |     h2new.lan

[root@h1 /]# grep host_id /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf

[root@h2 /]# grep host_id /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf

Funny, the host id does not match.

It seems I understand what wrong. In the past, I had two hosts of the cluster with id 1 and 2, after i delete them.
Simon, what is the correct decision? Change vds_spm_id in the engine base or fix host_id in "/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf"?

It's really the same, probably it's easier to edit  /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf on the two hosts since it's just a text file.
Please take care that you have to stop all the monitoring domain task in vdsm and remove all the existing sanlock locks.
Probably the easiest option is to set the host (you can do it one host at at time keeping running VMs include the engine one on the other) in maintenance mode from the engine, edit /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf to reflect the spm_id you have in the engine DB and then reboot the host to ensure that all the locks are gone.

Since 4.0 we cannot hit this kind of issue anymore since the hosted-engine hosts (but the bootstrap one) should be deployed from the engine and this ensure that the spm_id is always in sync. 


Thanks, Alex.

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