Thank you. I am running a self-hosted engineVM, and having difficulty connecting the dots so ansible can talk to vms within the self-hosted engineVM. 

Below is my setup- 

inventory dir with files

cat ~/ansible/inventory/prod/hosts


cat ~/ansible/inventory/prod/ovirt.ini

ovirt_url = https://engine.ovirt/ovirt-engine/api     # this is self hosted engine. so invoking ./ fails with http error as physical host is 'ovirt' but self-hosted-engine fqdn is 'engine.ovirt'
ovirt_username = admin@internal
ovirt_password = password
ovirt_ca_file = ca.pem .   # this sits on my local machine

running standalone fails as mentioned above.

cat ~/ansible/playbook.yml

--- name: Talk to self-hosted-engine server
     hosts: ovirt
        - name: Hello server
             msg: Hello server

--- name: Talk to self-hosted-engine VM
     hosts: status_up
        - name: Hello vms
             msg: Hello vms

ansible-playbook -i ~/ansible/inventories/prod playbook.yml      # prod folder has .ini, .py and static hosts file as above

PLAY [Talk to self-hosted-engine server] **********************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [ovirt]

TASK [Hello server] *******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [ovirt] => {
    "msg": "Hello server"
 [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: status_up

PLAY [Talk to self-hosted-engine VM] **************************************************************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************
ovirt                      : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

Is there something i am missing?

On 22 May 2018 at 10:25, Martin Sivak <> wrote:

you can use multiple different inventory sources at the same time - so
use your file +

Best regards

Martin Sivak

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Sumit Bharadia <> wrote:
> Thanks.
> Is there a way to use an existing inventory file?
> I asked because the server where the engineVM is running is listed into my
> existing a ansible inventory file on my local machine, but how do I
> specify/run the subsequent tasks which I want to run on vms running on
> engineVM as I don't see the /etc/hosts file updated where engineVM runs. How
> would my local ansible playbook know which vms are available, etc?
> On Tue, 22 May 2018, 8:36 am Ondra Machacek, <> wrote:
>> On 05/21/2018 11:51 AM, wrote:
>> > I have a self-hosted-engine (4.2) running on a centos 7.4 server.
>> >
>> > I have downloaded ovirt ansible roles from ansible-galaxy and can run
>> > them from the server where the engineVM is running and able to deploy new
>> > vms, clusters, dc, etc.
>> >
>> > I have seen the use of file to target and group hosts which
>> > you can target for specific plays. However, the box where self-hosted-engine
>> > is running is a physical server but I am looking to run ansible from my
>> > local machine instead to manage vms running on engineVM. Is there a way to
>> > achieve this?
>> Sure you can use your own computer to manage the VMs.
>> In your playbook you just need to specify group/host where the tasks of
>> the playbook should run.
>> So if using the script as your inventory file, you need to
>> just specify specific group where you want to run the tasks in your
>> playbook like this:
>> - hosts: tag_httpd
>>    tasks:
>>      ...
>> If you want to Create/Delete VMs using ovirt_* modules, you can do it
>> from your computer as well, but you need to install Python SDK version
>> 4. You can download it from pip using following command: pip install
>> ovirt-engine-sdk-python.
>> >
>> > Thank you in advance.
>> >
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