on my 4.1 environment sometimes I get this kind of message, typically when I create a snapshot.
Please note that the snapshot is correctly created: I get the event between the snapshot creation initiated and completed events 

VDSM ovmsrv05 command TeardownImageVDS failed: Cannot deactivate Logical Volume: ('General Storage Exception: ("5 [] [\'  WARNING: Not using lvmetad because config setting use_lvmetad=0.\', \'  WARNING: To avoid corruption, rescan devices to make changes visible (pvscan --cache).\', \'  Logical volume 922b5269-ab56-4c4d-838f-49d33427e2ab/79350ec5-eea5-458b-a3ee-ba394d2cda27 in use.\', \'  Logical volume 922b5269-ab56-4c4d-838f-49d33427e2ab/3590f38b-1e3b-4170-a901-801ee5d21d59 in use.\']\\n922b5269-ab56-4c4d-838f-49d33427e2ab/[\'3590f38b-1e3b-4170-a901-801ee5d21d59\', \'79350ec5-eea5-458b-a3ee-ba394d2cda27\']",)',)

What is the exact meaning and how can I crosscheck to solve the possible anomaly...?
What about lvmetad reference inside the message? Is it an option that in oVirt can be configured or not at all for now?
