Known issue with the Spice HTML5. We should drop it, it's not being very well maintained.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 9:43 AM Karli Sjöberg <> wrote:

Just thought that I´d report something hilarious:)

After installing the QXL driver in Windows 7 and 2008R2, in the SPICE
HTML5 browser client, all of the graphics are turned 180 degrees. It´s
not that the entire screen is flipped either, but all of the individual
elements are. E.g. the trashcan that should be in the top right corner
is now located in the bottom right, flipped upside down with the text
"above" it and text also flipped. Opening an explorer windows still has
the location and search bar at the top, with location bar first and
search bar to the right, as it should be, but with the graphics turned
upside down, plus that the text is still printed from left to right,
but upside down. And the "favorites" pane is still located to the left
but listed from bottom the top, Windows has never looked this funny:)

A picture says a thousand words. Behold!

The native client displays as it should.

Just letting you know.

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