On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 2:37 PM <thomas@hoberg.net> wrote:
I've tested this now in three distinct farms with CentOS7.8 and the latest oVirt 4.3 release: OVA export files only contain an XML header and then lots of zeros where the disk images should be.

Where an 'ls -l <vmname>.ova' shows a file about the size of the disk, 'du -h <vmname>.ova' shows mere kilobytes, 'strings <vmname>.ova' dumps the XML and then nothing but repeating zeros until the end of the file.

Exporting existing VMs from a CentOS/RHEL 7 farm and importing them after a rebuild on CentOS/RHEL 8 would seem like a safe migration strategy, except when OVA export isn't working.

Please treat with priority!

I think the best way to get appropriate attention is to open a bugzilla for it, providing information and logs....
In the meantime I can test in a 4.3.10 environment of mine if I have the same problem.