I'm encountering the following error while trying to install Ovirt 3.1 on a fully updated fedora 17 x64 install:
AIO: Validating CPU Compatibility... [ DONE ]
Configuring oVirt-engine... [ DONE ]
Creating CA... [ DONE ]
Editing JBoss Configuration... [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration... [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security... [ DONE ]
Creating Database... [ DONE ]
Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type... [ DONE ]
Editing oVirt Engine Configuration... [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration... [ DONE ]
Configuring the Default ISO Domain... [ DONE ]
Configuring Firewall (iptables)... [ DONE ]
Starting JBoss Service... [ DONE ]
Handling HTTPD... [ DONE ]
AIO: Creating storage directory... [ DONE ]
AIO: Adding Local Datacenter and cluster... [ ERROR ]
Error: There's a problem with JBoss service.Check that it's up and rerun setup.
Please check log file /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2012_10_07_17_47_45.log for more information
Though I am using 64 bit java so I don't think the issue is related.
[root@alpha ~]# java -version
java version "1.7.0_06-icedtea"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (fedora-2.3.1.fc17.2-x86_64)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.2-b09, mixed mode)
I've attached the error log. If anybody could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.