On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 10:38 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:

can you please open a bug to track both of your AIO issues?


Yes, I have actually to check if it is a real bug or me not doing things correctly.
I searched in "Storage" part of local_datacenter wihout finding anything...

But actually after I recreated the ISO domain this way:

- go to /ISO of my host
- delete the classic uuid named subsirectory inside it
- create iso domain named ISO, pointing at /ISO

I got this at my "System" level, "Storage" tab:


so actually it seems that the original ISO domain it was there.... probably I had to go there also at the beginning
Or the engine-setup is expected to already bind the ISO to local_cluster storage?

I have to recreate from scratch and directly go to the System --> Storage tab to see if right after install I can see there the ISO defined during setup.
And in case open more precise bugzilla then.

At this time is it risky to delete the unattached ISO domain that points to the same 

NFS export path: f18aio.localdomain.local:/ISO

as the in-use ISO domain...?