Before upgrade make shure that epel is disabled, there are some conflicts in collectd package.

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Christophe TREFOIS <> wrote:

On 23 Mar 2017, at 20:09, Brett Holcomb <> wrote:

I am currently running oVirt 3.6 on a physical server using hosted engine environment.  I have one server since it's a lab setup.  The storage is on a Synology 3615xs iSCSI LUN so that's where the vms are.  I plan to upgrade to 4.1 and need to check to make sure I understand the procedure.  I've read the oVirt 4.1 Release Notes and they leave some questions.

First they say I can simply install the 4.1 release repo update all the ovirt-*-setup* and then run engine-setup.

I don’t know for sure, but I would first go to latest 4.0 and then to 4.1 as I’m not sure they test upgrades from 3.6 to 4.1 directly. 

1. I assume this is on the engine VM running on the host physical box.

Yes, inside the VM. But first, follow the guide below and make sure engine is in global maintenance mode. 

2.  What does engine-setup do.  Does it know what I have and simply update or do I have to go through setup again.

You don’t have to setup from scratch. 

3.  Then do I go to the host and update all the ovirt stuff?

Yes, first putting host in local maintenance mode and removing global maintenance mode from engine. 

However, they then say for oVirt Hosted Engine follow a link for upgrading which takes me to a Not Found :( page but did have a link back to the release notes which link to the Not Found which....  So what do I need to know about upgrading a hosted engine setup that there are no directions for.  Are there some gotchas?  I thought that the release notes said I just had to upgrade the engine and then the host.

@ovirt, can this be fixed ? It’s quite annoying indeed.

Meanwhile, I usually follow the linke from 4.0.0 release notes which is not 404. 

Given that my VMs are on iSCSI what happens if things go bad and I have to start from scratch.  Can I import the VMs created under 3.6 into 4.1 or do I have to do something else like copy them somewhere for backup.

It might be good to shutdown the VMs and do an export if you have a storage domain for that. Just to be 100 % safe.
In any case, during the upgrade, since the host is in maintenance, all VMs have to be OFF.

Any other hints and tips are appreciated.

Don’t have iSCSI so can’t help much with that.
I’m just a regular user who failed many times :)


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