Hello,I'm going to configure an environment where I would have:
- 2 x 1Gbit/s nics that I have to dedicate to ovirt mgmt network only, due to design constraints
- 2 x 10Gbit/s nics where I have to configure all other VLANS
In particular I have to define:
1) a couple of VLANs for VMs
2) VLAN for live migration (can I defined more that 1 of this kind?)
3) VLAN for iSCSI against an EQL system
EQL guys keep saying that the only supported way to connect is through 2 different adapters and using multipath then. The iSCSI lan is on VLAN100 and I have to use it.
This brings in a problem in the way I can configure logical networks in oVirt and a scenario where I create bond on top of vlan and not the reverse as I normally do....
The desiderata would be something like this, having the two 10Gbit nics the names eth2 and eth3 and vlan100 the one for iSCSI and vlan65 the one for VMs, for example:
eth2 --- eth2.100 -- iSCSI IP 1
\ eth2.65 -------------------
\ __ bond65 -- IP
eth3 --- eth3.100 -- iSCSI IP 2 /
\ eth3.65 -------------------
- does this work at all in Linux in general? I saw something with bonding option use_carrier=1....
- in that case, can I then configure oVirt to use this configuration for networks?
- is LACP supporto on switch an enabler or a stopper...?
Other suggestions?
Thanks in advance,