On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 9:24 AM Thomas Hoberg <thomas@hoberg.net> wrote:
Thank you Gianluca, for supporting my claim: it's patchwork and not "a solution designed for the entire enterprise".

Instead it's more of "a set of assets where two major combinations from a myriad of potential permutations have received a bit of testing and might be useful somewhere in your enterprise".

As such, I see very little future for oVirt as anything that doesn't achieve scale these days is doomed to die.

Actually the meaning of my sentence was opposite, in the sense that if you consider it now in 4.4 a "patchwork", it was always so; you had been here for many years and I think you should have already abandoned it in 4.3 (or 4.2) days, based on your considerations.
How it is composed didn't change so much with 4.4 release.
It's opensource and it's a project. Most of your claims could be done against RHV product, not oVirt as a project.
And for sure many problems are there in Gluster implementations, but for NFS, FC or iSCSI based the situation in my opinion is quite better.
