Hi Arsène,

The only storage domain that can be shared between datacenters is the iso domain
But that's not what you're looking for. You can't share a data domain between two datacenters.

As for importing a storage domain which is active on one datacenter to another datacenter, there are two cases:
- If the datacenters are in the same oVirt setup, that won't be possible, and the operation will not be performed.
- If the datacenters are in two different oVirt setups, the import to the second datacenter will succeed, but you will experience issues in the first datacenter.
The reason for that is that the host in the second datacenter overrides the storage domain metadata when importing it.

Therefore, you cannot import a storage domain to a second datacenter while it is active on the first one, anyway.


On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Arsène Gschwind <arsene.gschwind@unibas.ch> wrote:
Hi Roberto,

Thanks for your information but....
When I'm writing about DC I mean defined DC in oVirt and so far I could see that when you define a storage domain in one oVirt DC it will not be available in another DC and I don't know what would happen if I would import it on the second DC.
In your setup, did you just define 1 DC and multiple clusters?


On 05/01/2016 01:37 PM, NUNIN Roberto wrote:
I have in production the scenery something similar to what you've described.
The "enabling factor" is represented by an "storage virtualization" set of appliances, that maintain mirrored logical volume over fc physical volumes across two distinct datacenters, while giving rw simultaneus access to cluster hypervisors split between datacenters, that run the VMs.

So: cluster also is spread across dc, no need to import nothing.



Il giorno 01 mag 2016, alle ore 10:37, Arsène Gschwind <arsene.gschwind@unibas.ch> ha scritto:


Is it possible to have a shared Storage domain between 2 Datacenter in oVirt?
We do replicate a FC Volume between 2 datacenter using FC SAN storage technology and we have an oVirt cluster on each site defined in separate DCs. The idea behind this is to setup a DR site and also balance the load between each site.
What happens if I do import a storage domain already active in one DC, will it break the Storage domain?

Thanks for any information..
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