
Currently choosing VDO at volume setup forces creation of a thick LV due to a RHEL bug, cf : 

The latter was closed while pointing to the following workaround : https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3562021
It is also said there that full fix will be available in RHEL-8

Thin LV  are necessary to enable volume snapshots and LVCache, and are currently not possible on VDO volumes
Does the above comments in BZs  mean that it will still not be possible to configure Thin LV for VDO volumes with ovirt-4.3.x/Centos-7.X either? 
We have been postponing rolling out oVirt-4.2 in production because of these two major cons.

Please advise if you think RHEL-8 will be necessary in order to have VDO volumes on par with normal volumes (snapshots and LVCache). In that case we will deploy production asap without VDO.
Should we instead force the creation of VDO volmume on ThinLV by tweaking the gdeploy configuration and applying the mentionned workaround?


Guillaume Pavese
Ingénieur Système et Réseau