I wrote a simple task that is using the ovirt_vm module https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/ovirt_vm_module.html -- it essentially loops over a list of vms and exports them to OVA.

The problem I have is the task is deemed changed once it successfully submits the export task to oVirt. This means that if I gave it a list of 100 Vms I believe it would start an export task on all of them. I want to prevent this and have it only export one VM at a time. In order to do this I believe I will need to find a way for the task to wait and somehow verify that the export was completed before submitting a task for the next VM export.

Any ideas?

- name: Export the VM
    auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: exported
    cluster: default
        host: Host0
        filename: "{{ item }}"
        directory: /backup/
  with_items: "{{ vms }}"