Hello list,
"admin@localhost" did the trick.... That was frustrating but searching through the list helped !
Hello List,
I successfully deployed a fresh hosted-engine, but I'm not able to login to Administration-Portal. I'm perferctly sure about the password I had to type multiple times....
I'm running ovirt-node-ng-4.5.1-0.20220622.0 and deployed engine via cli-based ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.
Neither "admin" nor "admin@internal" are working (A profile cannot be choosen as in earlier versions).
I can login to the monitoring part (grafana !) and also Cockpit but not Administration-Portal nor VM-Portal.
I can ssh into the engine and lookup the user-database which has the user.
root@engine02 ~]# ovirt-aaa-jdbc-tool query --what=user
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dcom.redhat.fips=false
-- User admin(2be16cf0-5eb7-4b0e-923e-7bdc7bc2aa6f) --
Namespace: *
Name: admin
ID: 2be16cf0-5eb7-4b0e-923e-7bdc7bc2aa6f
Display Name:
Email: root@localhost
First Name: admin
Last Name:
Account Disabled: false
Account Locked: false
Account Unlocked At: 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z
Account Valid From: 2022-07-15 18:23:47Z
Account Valid To: 2222-07-15 18:23:47Z
Account Without Password: false
Last successful Login At: 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z
Last unsuccessful Login At: 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z
Password Valid To: 2222-05-28 18:23:49ZHowever no groups by default ???
[root@engine02 ~]# ovirt-aaa-jdbc-tool query --what=group
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dcom.redhat.fips=false
Any solution ? I don't want to repeat the hosted-engine deployment a fourth time after I mastered all problems with NFS permissions, GUI deployment not accepting my Bond which is perfectly ok called "bond0" etc....
Ralf Schenk
fon: 02405 / 40 83 70
mail: rs@databay.de web: www.databay.de Databay AG
Jens-Otto-Krag-Str. 11
52146 Würselen
Sitz/Amtsgericht Aachen • HRB:8437 • USt-IdNr.: DE 210844202
Vorstand: Ralf Schenk, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Conze, Aresch Yavari, Dipl.Kfm. Philipp Hermanns
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Jan Scholzen
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