
I'm doing some very simple disk benchmarks on Windows 10, both with ESXI 6.7 and oVirt 4.3.0.
Both Windows 10 Pro guests have all the driver installed.
the "Storage" (Datastore in VMWare and storage domains in oVirt) comes from the same ZFS machine, both mounted as NFS without any parameters for NFS mount.
The ESXI is running on HP DL360 G7 with E5620 CPU, while the oVirt node is running on IBM X3550 M3 with dual Xeon E5620. There are no memory issues as both machines have plenty of free memory and free CPU resources.


- Windows 10 in vSphere 6.7 -  https://imgur.com/V75ep2n
- Windows 10 in oVirt 4.3.0 - https://imgur.com/3JDrWLx

As you can see, while oVirt lags a bit in 4K Read, the write performance is really bad.

How can this be improved?
