On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Pavel Levshin <lpk@581.spb.su> wrote:

I'm trying to learn Ovirt 4 and have a problem with it.

My cluster consists of 3 nodes. I use Openvswitch for network connectivity. I have a HostedEngine and one additional VM in the cluster.

When I try to migrate the VM to another node, it fails. From vdsm and libvirtd logs I see that proper network interface on destination node cannot be found. Libvirt tries to find Openvswitch bridge with name like "vdsmbr_AOYiPtcT". It exists on source node, but it is unique on every node, because it contains random part. Additionally, it changes on every reboot.

How this is supposed to work?

Pavel Levshin

Hi Pavel,

VM migration is supported on the master branch, however it has not been ported to 4.0 yet.
You can either build VDSM from source (from master branch) or try to apply this patch on what you have:

(note that you'll need to restart vdsm service for this to take affect)
