Hi all,
Sorry, I'm implementing oVirt and learning all 'by doing'.
I have a Foreman/Katello Instance running and providing the standard repositories from CentOS: OS(Base), Updates, Extras. All Hosts subscribes this Repos and I can update all.
Since I installed oVirt on Hosts using the oVirt-Repos(ovirt-4.1-dependencies.repo and ovirt-4.1.repo) I have this conflicts with qemu-tools-*.
I already read the files from repos and I saw that the Base Repo from CentOS has qemu-tools packages and the repos from oVirt too and have than conflicts with booth(Check Upgrade doesn't works, (Re)install for Hosts doesn't works too).
When I disable the Base Repo from CentOS on Foreman/Katello everything works.
Since I'm using all standard repos from CentOS and oVirt, I would like to know how do you do with this conflicts? Should I disable the Base Repos on all oVirt Hosts, should I merge them? Add them to Foreman/Katello?
I already sent an E-Mail to List asking about repos conflicts and I would like to know if there is a 'best-practice' for oVirt-Hosts.
Thanks in Advance!
Best Regards,