Thanks Shani,

Here's the output from the SPM - it looks like the master version is 288:

[root@compute7 ~]# vdsm-client StoragePool getInfo storagepoolID="f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff"
    "info": {
        "name": "No Description",
        "isoprefix": "/rhev/data-center/mnt/",
        "pool_status": "connected",
        "lver": 9356,
        "spm_id": 6,
        "master_uuid": "a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8",
        "version": "5",
        "domains": "f73307bc-06c8-4996-86d1-78947cdaf6dd:Attached,d5ae843b-5815-4f3a-b1be-370e56fe0962:Active,a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8:Active,311c1382-12c2-43a0-96d0-e2084180b114:Active,fc049ebe-03f9-43fc-adca-d6bfeb99c288:Active,3fc76134-2143-4921-ad36-ee84abca40e8:Active,2f2aab43-6ce3-4cb0-9142-b2b57e5083b3:Active",
        "type": "GLUSTERFS",
        "master_ver": 288
    "dominfo": {
        "f73307bc-06c8-4996-86d1-78947cdaf6dd": {
            "status": "Attached",
            "isoprefix": "",
            "alerts": []
        "d5ae843b-5815-4f3a-b1be-370e56fe0962": {
            "status": "Active",
            "diskfree": "94847578931200",
            "isoprefix": "",
            "alerts": [],
            "disktotal": "359981635338240",
            "version": 0
        "a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8": {
            "status": "Active",
            "diskfree": "708888707072",
            "isoprefix": "",
            "alerts": [],
            "disktotal": "751252275200",
            "version": 5
        "311c1382-12c2-43a0-96d0-e2084180b114": {
            "status": "Active",
            "diskfree": "1598335766528",
            "isoprefix": "",
            "alerts": [],
            "disktotal": "2197949513728",
            "version": 5
        "2f2aab43-6ce3-4cb0-9142-b2b57e5083b3": {
            "status": "Active",
            "diskfree": "1416265465856",
            "isoprefix": "",
            "alerts": [],
            "disktotal": "3837687496704",
            "version": 5
        "3fc76134-2143-4921-ad36-ee84abca40e8": {
            "status": "Active",
            "diskfree": "94847578931200",
            "isoprefix": "/rhev/data-center/mnt/",
            "alerts": [],
            "disktotal": "359981635338240",
            "version": 0
        "fc049ebe-03f9-43fc-adca-d6bfeb99c288": {
            "status": "Active",
            "diskfree": "1337882312704",
            "isoprefix": "",
            "alerts": [],
            "disktotal": "3837687496704",
            "version": 5

And the master domain version for the vm-storage-ssd domain is 288 in the database as well:

engine=# select * from storage_pool where id = 'f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff';
                  id                  | name | description | storage_pool_type | storage_pool_format_type | status | master_domain_version |              spm_vds_id              | compatibility_version |         _create_date          |         _update_date          | quota_enforcement_type | free_text_comment | is_local
 f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | EDC2 |             |                   | 5                        |      1 |                   288 | 51769733-0cf6-4270-8288-ec96474b7609 | 4.3                   | 2015-08-10 20:51:03.831215-07 | 2021-07-29 10:31:02.234262-07 |                      0 |                   | f
(1 row)

Here is the master storage domain details:
engine=#  select * from storage_domains where storage_pool_id='f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'  and storage_domain_type='0';
                  id                  |               storage                |  storage_name  | storage_description | storage_comment |           storage_pool_id            | available_disk_size | confirmed_available_disk_size | vdo_savings | used_disk_size | commited_disk_size | actual_images_size | status | storage_pool_name | storage_type | storage_domain_type | storage_domain_format_type | last_time_used_as_master | wipe_after_delete | discard_after_delete | first_metadata_device | vg_metadata_device | backup | block_size | storage_domain_shared_status | recoverable | contains_unregistered_entities | warning_low_space_indicator | critical_space_action_blocker | warning_low_confirmed_space_indicator | external_status | supports_discard | is_hosted_engine_storage
 a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8 | 95acd9a4-a6fb-4208-80dd-1c53d6aacad0 | vm-storage-ssd |                     |                 | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |                 660 |                               |             |             39 |                  0 |                  0 |      3 | EDC2              |            7 |                   0 | 5                          |            1627497705160 | f                 | f                    |                       |                    | f      |        512 |                            1 | t           | f                              |                          10 |                             5 |                                     0 |               0 |                  | f
(1 row)

This is the domain we want to switch over to the master domain so I can decommission the old one.

engine=# select * from storage_domains where storage_pool_id='f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'  and storage_name = 'vm-storage-ssd2';
                  id                  |               storage                |  storage_name   |    storage_description     | storage_comment |           storage_pool_id            | available_disk_size | confirmed_available_disk_size | vdo_savings | used_disk_size | commited_disk_size | actual_images_size | status | storage_pool_name | storage_type | storage_domain_type | storage_domain_format_type | last_time_used_as_master | wipe_after_delete | discard_after_delete | first_metadata_device | vg_metadata_device | backup | block_size | storage_domain_shared_status | recoverable | contains_unregistered_entities | warning_low_space_indicator | critical_space_action_blocker | warning_low_confirmed_space_indicator | external_status | supports_discard | is_hosted_engine_storage
 311c1382-12c2-43a0-96d0-e2084180b114 | 829d0600-c3f7-4dae-a749-d7f05c6a6ca4 | vm-storage-ssd2 | Storage01,02,03 vm-storage |                 | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff |                1488 |                               |             |            559 |               1147 |                538 |      3 | EDC2              |            7 |                   1 | 5                          |            1627497694904 | f                 | f                    |                       |                    | f      |        512 |                            1 | t           | f                              |                          10 |                             5 |                                    10 |               0 |                  | f
(1 row)


On 8/1/21 2:00 AM, Shani Leviim wrote:
Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

Hi Matthew,

You might need to sync back the master version and domain between the engine and vdsm.
To verify those parameters on vdsm, run this command on the SPM host:
vdsm-client StoragePool getInfo storagepoolID="f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff"

The result should be something like:
    "info": {
        "domains": "1234:Active,5678:Active,91011:Active",
        "isoprefix": "",
        "lver": 6,
        "master_uuid": "123",
        "master_ver": 14,

        "name": "No Description",
        "pool_status": "connected",
        "spm_id": 1,
        "type": "NFS",
        "version": "5"

Then, compare the master version value with the engine:
engine=> select * from storage_pool where id = 'f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff';

And the master domain:
engine=> select * from storage_domains where storage_pool_id='f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'  and storage_domain_type='0';

Then we can get the bigger picture (and update the engine data to match the vdsm)

Shani Leviim

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 8:40 PM Matthew Benstead <> wrote:
Thanks Shani - yes we plan to upgrade to 4.4 in the future, but we're on 4.3 right now due to only running CentOS 7 at the moment.

I was able to clear the job from the SPM:

[root@daccs01 ~]# vdsm-client Host getAllTasksStatuses
    "5fa9edf0-56c3-40e4-9327-47bf7764d28d": {
        "message": "1 jobs completed successfully",
        "code": 0,
        "taskID": "5fa9edf0-56c3-40e4-9327-47bf7764d28d",
        "taskResult": "success",
        "taskState": "finished"
[root@daccs01 ~]# vdsm-client Task clear taskID=5fa9edf0-56c3-40e4-9327-47bf7764d28d
[root@daccs01 ~]# vdsm-client Host getAllTasksStatuses

And confirm there were no async_tasks:

engine=# select * from async_tasks;
 task_id | action_type | status | result | step_id | command_id | started_at | storage_pool_id | task_type | vdsm_task_id | root_command_id | user_id
(0 rows)

However, when putting the vm-storage-ssd domain into maintenance mode, it failed again:

Here are some the logs entries - anything else I can look at?

2021-07-29 10:30:37,848-07 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] EVENT_ID: VDS_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILURE(10,802),
 VDSM command ConnectStoragePoolVDS failed: Wrong Master domain or its version: u'SD=a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8, pool=f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'
2021-07-29 10:30:37,848-07 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] Command 'org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vd
sbroker.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand' return value 'StatusOnlyReturn [status=Status [code=324, message=Wrong Master domain or its version: u'SD=a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8, pool=f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-
2021-07-29 10:30:37,848-07 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] HostName =
2021-07-29 10:30:37,849-07 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] Command 'ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand(HostN
ame =, ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommandParameters:{hostId='51769733-0cf6-4270-8288-ec96474b7609', vdsId='51769733-0cf6-4270-8288-ec96474b7609', storagePoolId='f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6
ff', masterVersion='288'})' execution failed: IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: IRSNoMasterDomainException: Wrong Master domain or its version: u'SD=a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8, pool=f72ec125-69a1
2021-07-29 10:30:37,849-07 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.IrsBrokerCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] IrsBroker::Failed::DeactivateStorageDomainVDS: IRSGener
icException: IRSErrorException: IRSNoMasterDomainException: Wrong Master domain or its version: u'SD=a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8, pool=f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'
2021-07-29 10:30:37,855-07 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.DeactivateStorageDomainVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] FINISH, DeactivateStorageDomainVDSComm
and, return: , log id: 1c215ca4
2021-07-29 10:30:37,855-07 ERROR [] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] DeactivateStorageDomainVDS failed 'a5a83df
1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8': org.ovirt.engine.core.common.errors.EngineException: EngineException: org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.IRSNoMasterDomainException: IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException:
 IRSNoMasterDomainException: Wrong Master domain or its version: u'SD=a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8, pool=f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff' (Failed with error StoragePoolWrongMaster and code 324)
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VdsHandler.handleVdsResult( [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.VDSBrokerFrontendImpl.runVdsCommand( [bll.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandBase.runVdsCommand( [bll.jar:]
        at [bll.jar:]
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [rt.jar:1.8.0_292]
        at [rt.jar:1.8.0_292]
        at org.glassfish.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryImpl$ [javax.enterprise.concurrent-1.0.jar:]
Caused by: org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.IRSNoMasterDomainException: IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: IRSNoMasterDomainException: Wrong Master domain or its version: u'SD=a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8, pool=f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.BrokerCommandBase.proceedProxyReturnValue( [vdsbroker.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand.proceedConnectProxyReturnValue( [vdsbroker.jar:]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.ConnectStoragePoolVDSCommand.proceedProxyReturnValue( [vdsbroker.jar:]
        at org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.CombinedInterceptorAndDecoratorStackMethodHandler.invoke( [weld-core-impl-3.1.1.Final.jar:3.1.1.Final]
        at org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.CombinedInterceptorAndDecoratorStackMethodHandler.invoke( [weld-core-impl-3.1.1.Final.jar:3.1.1.Final]
        at org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.ResourceManager$Proxy$_$$_WeldSubclass.runVdsCommand(Unknown Source) [vdsbroker.jar:]
        ... 94 more

2021-07-29 10:30:37,861-07 ERROR [] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] Failed to deactivate storage domain 'a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8'
2021-07-29 10:30:37,868-07 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.CommandCompensator] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] Command [id=c63199f8-a720-4053-8e5c-92c8d21e0ce2]: Compensating CHANGED_STATUS_ONLY of org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePoolIsoMap; snapshot: EntityStatusSnapshot:{id='StoragePoolIsoMapId:{storagePoolId='f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff', storageId='a5a83df1-47e2-4927-9add-079199ca7ef8'}', status='Unknown'}.
2021-07-29 10:30:37,882-07 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-25) [35c5b47] EVENT_ID: USER_DEACTIVATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FAILED(969), Failed to deactivate Storage Domain vm-storage-ssd (Data Center EDC2).
2021-07-29 10:30:37,884-07 WARN  [] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-25) [60d33d] Validation of action 'ReconstructMasterDomain' failed for user SYSTEM. Reasons: VAR__ACTION__RECONSTRUCT_MASTER,VAR__TYPE__STORAGE__DOMAIN,ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_STATUS_ILLEGAL2,$status Locked
2021-07-29 10:30:37,888-07 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.eventqueue.EventQueueMonitor] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-48) [35c5b47] Finished reconstruct for pool 'f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff'. Clearing event queue
2021-07-29 10:30:37,899-07 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.HSMGetAllTasksStatusesVDSCommand] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-50) [] Command 'org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.HSMGetAllTasksStatusesVDSCommand' return value '
TaskStatusListReturn:{status='Status [code=654, message=Not SPM]'}


On 7/29/21 2:52 AM, Shani Leviim wrote:
Notice: This message was sent from outside the University of Victoria email system. Please be cautious with links and sensitive information.

Hi Matthew,
Actually, your description is related to 2 features available for ovirt 4.4.5
1. The ability to switch the master storage domain while domains are up and running [1]
2. Clearing the finished tasks from REST API [2] and UI [3].

We recommend you upgrade your engine to enjoy those features.

In the meanwhile, as you've described, moving the Master role from one storage to the other is available using putting the domain into maintenance.
In order to clear the finished tasks from SPM:
   vdsm-client Host getAllTasksStatuses

It should be something like that:
    "1dc4d885-577a-4b6a-b01f-e682602a907c": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": "1 jobs completed successfully",
        "taskID": "1dc4d885-577a-4b6a-b01f-e682602a907c",
        "taskResult": "success",
        "taskState": "finished"

Then clear that tasks:
   vdsm-client Task clear taskID=12345
Once it gets cleared, the reconstruction can be finished.

To verify there are no more finished async tasks, you can run this SQL query on the engine:
engine=# select * from async_tasks WHERE storage_pool_id = '123'; 

Shani Leviim

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 8:33 AM Matthew Benstead <> wrote:

I'm trying to decommission the old master storage domain in ovirt, and replace it with a new one. All of the VMs have been migrated off of the old master, and everything has been running on the new storage domain for a couple months. But when I try to put the old domain into maintenance mode I get an error.

Old Master: vm-storage-ssd
New Domain: vm-storage-ssd2

The error is:

Failed to Reconstruct Master Domain for Data Center EDC2

As well as:

Sync Error on Master Domain between Host daccs01 and oVirt Engine. Domain: vm-storage-ssd is marked as Master in oVirt Engine database but not on the Storage side. Please consult with Support on how to fix this issue.

2021-07-28 11:41:34,870-07 WARN  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.IrsProxy] (EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-23) [] Master domain version is not in sync between DB and VDSM. Domain vm-storage-ssd
 marked as master, but the version in DB: 283 and in VDSM: 280


Not stopping SPM on vds daccs01, pool id f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff as there are uncleared tasks Task '5fa9edf0-56c3-40e4-9327-47bf7764d28d', status 'finished'

After a couple minutes all the domains are marked as active again and things continue, but vm-storage-ssd is still listed as the master domain. Any thoughts?

This is on   on CentOS 7.

engine=# SELECT storage_name, storage_pool_id, storage, status FROM storage_pool_with_storage_domain ORDER BY storage_name;
     storage_name      |           storage_pool_id            |                storage                 | status
 compute1-iscsi-ssd    | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | yvUESE-yWUv-VIWL-qX90-aAq7-gK0I-EqppRL |      1
 compute7-iscsi-ssd    | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | 8ekHdv-u0RJ-B0FO-LUUK-wDWs-iaxb-sh3W3J |      1
 export-domain-storage | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | d3932528-6844-481a-bfed-542872ace9e5   |      1
 iso-storage           | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | f800b7a6-6a0c-4560-8476-2f294412d87d   |      1
 vm-storage-7200rpm    | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | a0bff472-1348-4302-a5c7-f1177efa45a9   |      1
 vm-storage-ssd        | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | 95acd9a4-a6fb-4208-80dd-1c53d6aacad0   |      1
 vm-storage-ssd2       | f72ec125-69a1-4c1b-a5e1-313fcb70b6ff | 829d0600-c3f7-4dae-a749-d7f05c6a6ca4   |      1
(7 rows)

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