On Tue, 2018-06-05 at 23:26 +0200, Simone Tiraboschi wrote:
I tried to deploy hosted-engine over vlan over a bond and everything worked as expected but I also found a case where it fails: SetupNetworks is going to fail if bond0.123 is correctly configured with an IPv4 address while the untagged bond0 lacks IPv4 configuration.
Simply configuring a static IPv4 address from an unused subnet  on the untagged bond is a valid workaround.
I just opened https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1586280

Ok, I removed all bridges, so IPs are configured on bond0.id, added dummy IP for bond0, flushed iptables. And it works. So thank you for your help!

One last question - does the bond0 IP is still needed or it's just issue during install and now we can delete it?

Best regards/Pozdrawiam/MfG

Mariusz Kozakowski

Site Reliability Engineer

Dansk Supermarked Group
Baltic Business Park
ul. 1 Maja 38-39
71-627 Szczecin