Thank you all for suggestions.

I end up installing centOS and OVirt Engine on one machine, and OVirt Node on another.

Until I get more familiar, this is going to be fine.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 4:50:35 AM PDT, Joop <> wrote:

On 14-5-2019 06:32, Slobodan Stevanovic wrote:
I downloaded oVirt_Node ISO and deployed it to the servers. Than, I used the following instructions 

At first, I tried to deploy gluster to three servers, but it was giving me some issues on one of them. So, I used that document as a guide line for single deployment.

After, the gluster was done I clicked on OVirt Engine setup wizard. I filled out the info so it can be deployed on the same server. However, the installation never finishes successfully.

I can see that the host has a new virtual machine running, but it does not get the IP address from the wizard. The VM gets the IP from the newly created subnet.

On Monday, May 13, 2019, 11:09:43 AM PDT, Joop <> wrote:

On 10-5-2019 19:20, Slobodan Stevanovic wrote:

I am having hard time installing OVIrt. 

Gluster deployment for the single node sometimes work, but host engine deployment never works.

Any one has suggestion on which release of OVirt to use as a beginner.

Could you tell what problems you're having and what documentation you're following?

I just did a hyperconverged hosted-engine setup on a single server using the cockpit installer and had just 2 problems:
- firewall-cmd uses glusterfs as a service name and that isn't installed, its in glusterfs-server rpm but that isn't installed for some reason.
- multipath problems but that could be my problem, anyway I manually blacklisted both my SSD gluster drives.

Going todo it tomorrow again to get a collegue to work on it so if anything comes up I'll post it here.
So I did the same routine today and followed this piece of documentation: --> Install oVirt with Cockpit
Used a std Centos minimal install, used a fixed IP address with a DNS A record and a PTR record, made one for the engine too!!, ran yum update, reboot
Add the ovirt-release43 repo
sudo yum install cockpit cockpit-ovirt-dashboard -y
sudo yum install glusterfs-server -y # this seemed to miss but includes the firewalld glusterfs service name.!
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit
sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
sudo yum install ansible-glusterfs-roles #??? not sure about the exact name but use yum info *ansiblie* | grep ^Name | sort to find it. Wizard needs them.
login into cockpit
Select the gluster HCI wizard instead of the HostedEngine one and follow the instructions to the t, use fixed IP adresses which DO have a DNS entry, saves you a lot of hair pulling.


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