On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 9:18 AM, femi adegoke <ovirt@fateknollogee.com> wrote:
I have now done the oVirt install at least 5 times, no, I don't consider myself any kind of expert.

Even though the HE uses less than 10gb of space for some reason the install will fail if the brick is less than 58gb.

Why is that?

Look at this error:
[ ERROR ] Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Problem while trying to mount target]".
HTTP response code is 400.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\".
Fault detail is \"[Problem while trying to mount target]\". HTTP response code is 400."}

The size of the brick was set at 50gb:

Edit size to 60gb, re-run & voila, all is good.

Is this a bug or maybe it's a problem with the way I'm doing things.

AFAIK 74 GiB is the minimum size.
The HE VM disk will be a sparse file and so the disk usage will seam less but the disk of the hosted-engine VM is sized as 58 GiB plus ancillary disks and SD metadata.

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