Hi Erez,

Indeed its in London ld6^^

Even if I use only "he_offline_deployment=true", the engine tries to reach internet repo.

my version of ovirt-ansible-collection is 1.6.6-1.el8.noarch, it seems to be the latest version available on ovirt-4.4 repo (I have tested on another server that has internet, and installed official ovirt-release44.rpm package, and it's the same)

in file /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/full_execution.yml , the var "ovirt_engine_setup_offline" is on line 38:

 38         ovirt_engine_setup_offline: "{{ he_offline_deployment }}"

in file  /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/engine_setup/tasks/main.yml line 7 I have:

7   when: not ovirt_engine_setup_perform_upgrade

  am I using wrong repo of missing something? (as it seems I d on't have the latest files)

yes it makes sense to have a look at hooks, so the engine is customized, I'll check that.

It's just that initially I would like to test the "100% offline method", as it should avoid me to customize the engine is a simple internal dns server, it's not the host from where I deploy the engine.

Yes I recently understood the created network between the local VM and the host from where we deploy the engine. When I saw that "nameserver" in resolv.conf of the engine points to, which is the vibr0 IP of the physical host, I was quite surprised, because on old ovirt deployment I did, the engines have the dns servers I've specified in their resolv.conf, not the vibr0 ip of their host . But it's maybe changed later in the process of the deployment

I will stop specifying the ova file as indeed, I don't think it's useful here.

Just wanna make sure if:

 - 100% offline deploy is possible only using the extra var "he_offline_deployment=true" (maybe I need to udpate some packages?)
 - 100% offline deploy is ONLY possible using hooks and internal repo

your help is really appreciated, I can understand that not all the scenario are tested by dev teams, maybe my case can help other peoples^^

thx a lot, have a nice week end!

Vincent Kwiatkowski
Operations&Infrastructure - System Team • Itiviti
Production System Engineer

Direct: +33 1 44 50 25 45

21 Boulevard Haussmann
75009 Paris, France
Phone: +33 1 49 95 30 00

Le ven. 29 avr. 2022 à 18:20, Erez Zarum <erezzarum@gmail.com> a écrit :
1. You have a typo in your hosted-engine deploy line as you do not enclose the quotes correctly:
    --ansible-extra-vars=he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova he_offline_deployment=true it should be --ansible-extra-vars="he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova he_offline_deployment=true" 
2. Can you check which version of ovirt ansible collection are you using? it is possible that the version you are using does not have the fix, the fix was released around november.
    to clarify you do have it, on the host where you run the hosted-engine script from, please check the following:
    /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/full_execution.yml at line 39 should have ovirt_engine_setup_offline var set to the he_offline_deployment var (https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-collection/blob/master/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/full_execution.yml)
   /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/engine_setup/tasks/main.yml at line 7 should have this: when: not ovirt_engine_setup_perform_upgrade|bool and not ovirt_engine_setup_offline|bool (https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-collection/blob/master/roles/engine_setup/tasks/main.yml)
3. i'm not sure regarding the ovirt appliance, but as far as it seems if you don't specify it will try to download one, but this happens from the host you run the hosted-engine script from which in what you describe uses your local repo so it should be able to download from there.
4. If i were you, i would hooks https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/installing_ovirt_as_a_self-hosted_engine_using_the_command_line/index.html#customizing_engine_vm_during_deployment_auto_SHE_cli_deploy
    You would want to use the "enginevm_before_engine_setup" hook and create an ansible task that configure local repos on the engine vm, anything you put in that folder hook ("enginevm_before_engine_setup") will run on the engine vm, it will allow you to skip later configuring the engine vm for your local repos
5. I see from the logs that it uses as DNS, is that the host you are running from? what is the resolv.conf on that host?
    you need to understand the flow of installing the hosted engine as a self hosted engine, it creates a local VM and create a network between that local VM and the host you running from, then the last stage is moving it to the storage domain.
6. You can have a FULL offline deployment, you just need to make sure you have all the packages available or even creating a small local repo on the host where you deploy the hosted engine on (configuring dnf/yum to use the local filepath for example after you sync the repos there).

I do believe that because there are not much resources at the moment around oVirt, not all scenarios have been tested, while i'm not a RedHay employee, i have a lot of love for the oVirt project.
btw, i have a large oVirt deployment probably running in the same datacenter as you are, if you are in LD6 in Equinix ;)

Let me know if 1 helped you, if not, please attach logs again and also check 2.

Looking forward.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 6:59 PM vk <vk@itiviti.com> wrote:
Hi Erez,

I already tried to put the 2 extra vars one after the other but it doesn't work:

$hosted-engine --deploy --ansible-extra-vars=he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova he_offline_deployment=true --config-append=/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/answers/answers-20220424174041.conf
FATAL: Invalid option 'he_offline_deployment=true'

So I tried to put the variables in tmp file as you proposed, but it failed again with same error:

2022-04-29 16:48:01,701+0100 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:106 {'msg': "Failed to download metadata for repo 'ovirt-4.4-centos-ceph-pacific': Can        not prepare internal mirrorlist: Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=8-stream&arch=x86_64&repo=storage-ceph-pacific [Could not resolve host: mirrorl        ist.centos.org]", 'results': [], 'rc': 1, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'name': ['ovirt-engine'], 'state': 'present', 'allow_downgrade': False, 'autoremove': False, 'bugfix': False, 'disable_gpg_c        heck': False, 'disable_plugin': [], 'disablerepo': [], 'download_only': False, 'enable_plugin': [], 'enablerepo': [], 'exclude': [], 'installroot': '/', 'install_repoquery': True, 'install_weak_dep        s': True, 'security': False, 'skip_broken': False, 'update_cache': False, 'update_only': False, 'validate_certs': True, 'lock_timeout': 30, 'conf_file': None, 'disable_excludes': None, 'download_di        r': None, 'list': None, 'releasever': None}}, '_ansible_no_log': False, 'changed': False, '_ansible_delegated_vars': {'ansible_host': '', 'ansible_port': None, 'ansible_user': 'root'        , 'ansible_connection': 'smart'}}

PLease find new log file in attachment.

By the way, is it mandatory for a "real" offline deployment to specify the ova archive? (I've read that on an old post)

Regarding what Strahil mentioned (modify engine repo in ansible files), is it really doable? engine repo are not hardcoded in the ova?

despite the fact that for the moment I can't manage to have a "real" offline deployment, I investigated why the engine can't even resolve mirrorlist.centos.org, and it's becasause the name server in resolv.conf points to the physical host from where I'm trying to do the deployment of the engine, and this physical host is not a dns server...(of course during the deployment of the engine, I've specified a real dns servers that can provide name resolution)

so here I have a pb in a pb lol

Thx a lot

Le ven. 29 avr. 2022 à 14:20, Erez Zarum <erezzarum@gmail.com> a écrit :
As I suspected, it hits where i mentioned, but looking again, there's no bug whatsoever as it should skip it.
From what I see in the logs, it does not pass "he_offline_deployment=true" as an ansible extra var.
Look at line 6551: "2022-04-24 17:40:41,613+0100 DEBUG otopi.context context.dumpEnvironment:775 ENV OVEHOSTED_CORE/ansibleUserExtraVars=str:'he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova'"
From looking at the hosted-engine setup script, it does not accept multiple "--ansible-extra-vars" arguments as it's a wrapper script that prepares the configuration needed for ansible.
You can either try "--ansible-extra-vars=he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova he_offline_deployment=true" or:
cat > /tmp/ovirt_he_ansible_extravars.yml <<EOF
he_appliance_ova: /usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova
he_offline_deployment: true
and then passing it as --ansible-extra-vars="@/tmp/ovirt_he_ansible_extravars.yml"

Let me know if this works out for you.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 1:36 PM Vincent Kwiatkowski <vk@itiviti.com> wrote:


indeed, being able to manually configure the engine repo (before any engine repo is reached of course) would be a good thing, in case we want to use some internal repo not on internet (like redhat satellite repo)

But if the engine deployment can really be offline (so no internet connection at all) with the default public repo, this can be a step done after the engine is deployed.

having the choice could be good, but if there is really an issue on ansible side, like Erez mentioned, maybe first need to focus on this^^

@Erez, please find the engine deploy log file in attachment


Le ven. 29 avr. 2022 à 10:37, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo@redhat.com> a écrit :
+Asaf Rachmani , +Martin Necas can you please have a look here?

Il giorno gio 28 apr 2022 alle ore 20:18 Erez Zarum <erezzarum@gmail.com> ha scritto:
I believe there's a bug here: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-ansible-collection/blob/master/roles/engine_setup/tasks/main.yml which besides the he_offline_deployment condition it relies on ovirt_engine_setup_perform_upgrade which is never passed to from the hosted_engine_setup role.
If he can post the full log, it will be easier to understand where the issue is and why does ansible triggers yum repos.

Another way to workaround it is to create a pre engine setup hook as ansible task and use it to configure the repos on the engine vm that it will use the local repos and not reach the internet at any point.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 8:55 PM Strahil Nikolov via Users <users@ovirt.org> wrote:
Theoretically everything is possible.
In this situation I can recommend you to open an issue as he_offline_deployment=true should really mean offline.

Currently you can modify the Ansible code on the system and modify the repos pointing to your Satellite.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 12:02, vk@itiviti.com
Hi Everyone,
In my compagny, we try to deploy engine on 2 RHEL8 hosts we already installed.

We don't have direct internet access, so the RHEL8 hosts have been setup using some internal EL repo (using redhat satellite)

We have also duplicated internaly the necessary ovirt repositories, so all ovirt packages can be installed.

Now the blocking part is the deployment of the engine. Is it really possible to deploy an engine without having internet connection?

We tried several time but never succeeded.

I tried with ansible extra var "he_offline_deployment=true", naively thinking it will download necessary packages for the engine through the repositories already configured on the physical hosts (like the physical host act as proxy)

I also tried by specifying the ova file with he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova

both options have also been tried together (--ansible-extra-vars=he_appliance_ova=/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/ovirt-engine-appliance-4.4-20211020135049.1.el8.ova --ansible-extra-vars=he_offline_deployment=true)

But at the end, it seems the engine deployment process makes the engine to need to reach the ovirt internet repositories, as it always failed with:

2022-04-24 17:39:53,268+0100 ERROR otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:110 fatal: [localhost ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to download metadata for repo 'ovirt-4.4-centos-ceph-pacific': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried", "rc": 1, "results": []}

FYI the pacific repo works fine when we download packages on physical hosts.
ANother thing to know is that before being able to use our internal repo present on our redhat satellite, a system need to install the satellite crtificate, and register to satellite.

it would be so nice if we can achieve a fully offline engine deploy (which mean no internet access at all, including the engine itself), but we start to lack of  clues if it's really possible.

Here are all the ovirt packages installed on the physical hosts:

$rpm -qa | grep ovirt

thanks a lot in advance
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Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA


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