On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Stefano Stagnaro <stefanos@prismatelecomtesting.com> wrote:

today oVirt 3.6.5 has been released and I tried to perform a fresh installation through the CentOS Virtualization SIG:

# yum install centos-release-ovirt36

which has installed, for dependencies, also
- centos-release-gluster37
- centos-release-virt-common
- centos-release-qemu-ev
- centos-release-storage-common

I immediately noticed that oVirt is still at version 3.6.3 (instead of 3.6.5). This makes it difficult to move to CentOS Virtualization SIG.

Besides that, glusterfs is still at version 3.7.8 (instead of 3.7.11). I understand this is a different SIG but oVirt is affected in some way.

Virt SIG RPMs are rebuilt from oVirt RPMs and need to pass a testing period before going to release repository, so Virt SIG ususally come ~1 week after oVirt GA.
For gluster it's the same, 3.7.11 are currently in testing http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=10550
You can help getting them promoted to release by providing feedback on centos-devel mailing list.


Thank you,
Stefano Stagnaro

Prisma Telecom Testing S.r.l.
Via Petrocchi, 4
20127 Milano – Italy

Tel. 02 26113507 int 339
e-mail: stefanos@prismatelecomtesting.com
skype: stefano.stagnaro

Sandro Bonazzola
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