Le 12/03/2019 à 09:08, Juhani Rautiainen a écrit :

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 2:02 PM Fabrice SOLER <fabrice.soler@ac-guadeloupe.fr> wrote:


I need to create a windows 10 virtual machine but I have an error :

I have a fresh ovirt installation (version 4.2.8) with an hosted engine. At the hosted engine installation there was no question about the cluster cpu type, it should be great if in the future version it could be.

To change an host to another cluster this host need to be in maintenance mode, and the hosted engine will be power off.

I have created another Cluster with an SandyBridge Family CPU type, but to move the hosted engine to this new cluster the hosted should be power off.

Is there someone who can help ?


This is modified from original but could work:
- create new cluster with new CPU type
- set HE global maintenance mode
- set one of the hosted-engine hosts into maintenance mode
Thank you for your answer.
At this point the hosted-engine hosts could not come into the maintenance mode.
Do you know if it is possible to change cluster with CLI. Thus, I could stop the hosted engine and move the hosts to the new cluser.
- move it to a different cluster
- shutdown the engine VM
- manually restart the engine VM on the host on the custom cluster directly executing on that host: hosted-engine --vm-start
- connect again to the engine
- set all the hosts of the initial cluster into maintenance mode
- change CPU type in original cluster
- shut down again the engine VM
- manually restart the engine VM on one of the hosts of the initial cluster
- move back the host that got into a temporary cluster to its initial cluster


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Juhani Rautiainen                                   jrauti@iki.fi
