On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 6:24 AM, Резников А.А. <reznikov_aa@soskol.com> wrote:
14.03.2017 11:40, Резников А.А. пишет:
Hi list!

During the upgrade ovirt from 3.5 to 3.6, I get errors:
"VDSM command failed: Can not acquire host id: (u'8905c9ac-d892-478d-8346-63b8fa1c5763 ', SanlockException (22,' Sanlock lockspace add failure ',' Invalid argument '))",
"Failed to attach Storage Domain hosted_storage to Data Center Default. (User: SYSTEM)",
"Failed to import the Hosted Engine Storage Domain".

Thus in my data storage nfs OVF_STORE disks do not appear.

The following messages appear in vdsm.log:

Thread-2806 :: DEBUG :: 2017-03-14 10: 40: 29,569 :: task :: 827 :: Storage.TaskManager.Task: :( resourceAcquired) Task = `cd294427-d6fa-454b-9289-6660ad228c8f`: : _resourcesAcquired: Storage.8905c9ac-d8
92-478d-8346-63b8fa1c5763 (shared)
Thread-2806 :: DEBUG :: 2017-03-14 10: 40: 29,569 :: task :: 993 :: Storage.TaskManager.Task :: (_ decref) Task = `cd294427-d6fa-454b-9289-6660ad228c8f`: : Ref 1 aborting False
Thread-2806 :: ERROR :: 2017-03-14 10: 40: 29,569 :: task :: 866 :: Storage.TaskManager.Task :: (_ setError) Task = `cd294427-d6fa-454b-9289-6660ad228c8f`: : Unexpected error
Traceback (most recent last call last):
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/task.py", line 873, in _run
    Return fn (* args, ** kargs)
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/logUtils.py", line 49, in wrapper
    Res = f (* args, ** kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 3315, in getImagesList
    Images = dom.getAllImages ()
  File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/fileSD.py", line 373, in getAllImages
    Self.getPools () [0],
IndexError: list index out of range

3 ', Clearing records.

Does anyone have any idea how this can be fixed?

Thanks, Alex.

Users mailing list

Any body help me?

It was an old bug but it should be fine now:

Could you please report the version of ovirt-hosted-engine-ha and vdsm you are currently using?

Thanks, Alex.

Users mailing list