Hello Gianluca,

This is not the right flow. If you would like to have any other network in your cluster as the management network, then you need to create it as the management network of the cluster and then add hosts to the cluster, then the new network which was defined as the management network of the cluster will be the management network of the host/s in the cluster.

The correct flow will be :
1) Create new network for example - 'net1-mgmt'
2) Give 'net1-mgmt'  a management role via manage networks, it can be done via networks>clusters flow or via Cluster>logical networks flow(note that management network must be required and attached)
3) Create cluster and choose 'net1-mgmt' as the management network of the cluster
3) Add/install the host in the cluster

See also - https://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/network/management-network-as-a-role/
It's a network feature since 3.6


On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
I notice that in a cluster I can create a new network and then select it as the Management network, but at the same time the default "ovirtmgmt" logical network in "Manage Networks" is always checked as both as "Assign" and "Required" and also grayed so that I cannot change anything of it... and any host in this cluster must have ovirtmgmt even if it doesn't use it at all..

Is there any RFE to change this model?
So for example to be able to change its name or delete it after we have defined a new network as management one.
It seems something similar to the concept of the"Default" DC that now we can finally rename and /or delete


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Michael Burman

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