On Tue, 29 Jan 2019, 17:44 Dominik Holler <dholler@redhat.com wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 15:14:42 -0000
"Brian Wilson" <briwils2@cisco.com> wrote:

> What is the proper way to provide networks without an egress of the
> host?    In VMware i would take a portgroup and just not associate it
> with a vnic.   In ovirt that doesnt seem possible as the network
> doesnt seem to function unless i move to a physical nic under the
> "Setup Host Networks" options.
> The Goal here is to provide a network for VMs to use on the single
> host only no traffic would need to leave the host but would need to
> have VLan IDs and segmentation through them on the host

Maybe I do not get your scenario completely.
Would a OVN nework per host solve your problem?

OVN allows to create an isolated network that speads across the while cluster.

If I understand correctly, Brian has more humble requirement, which users implement by creating a dummy0 device (note the lack of underscore in the name). The dummy device would she as a nic on the host, allows attaching a bridge to it, but lets no traffic leave the host.
