Yes. In my experience when v4 works and v3 does not it's because of firewall issues on the server.


On Dec 11, 2013 11:17 AM, "Joop" <> wrote:
Einav Cohen wrote:
When trying to add an NFS Export domain via oVirt-engine, it fails on "Problem while trying to mount target". when checking the vdsm.log, it seems that the problem is mount time-out.
when I tried to manually run the mount command, in the exact same manner as vdsm, it indeed failed on Connection timed out after ~3 minutes or so:
[root@localhost vdsm]# /usr/bin/mount -t nfs -o soft,nosharecache,timeo=600,retrans=6,nfsvers=3 /rhev/data-center/mnt/ mount.nfs: Connection timed out
but - when trying to run the mount command again, with the exact same mount source and mount target, but without any additional parameter, it succeeded (after ~10 seconds): [root@localhost vdsm]# /usr/bin/mount /rhev/data-center/mnt/
My guesss its NFSv3 vs NFSv4


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