Yep there was a leftover:
I got past that now however it is now failing at the Environment customization stage.
Here is the output of engine-upgrade. I have also attached the upgrade log.
[ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
Log file: /tmp/ovirt-engine-setup-20130726175419.log
Version: otopi-3.3.020
Configuration files: ['/etc/ovirt-engine-setup.conf.d/10-packaging.conf']
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment packages setup
[ INFO ] Stage: Programs detection
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment customization
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization': Cannot connect to database: server does not support SSL, but SSL was required
[ INFO ] Stage: Clean up
Log file is located at /tmp/ovirt-engine-setup-20130726175419.log
[ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO ] Stage: Termination