Hi Magnus,

do you notice any repetition there ? Does it happen completely random ?

Usually to debug network issues you will need tcpdump from Guest, Host and the other side if possible.
Is that an option ?

Do you see in the host's tab those RX errors ?

What is the output of "ip -s link" on the Guest ?

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

В четвъртък, 16 май 2019 г., 9:19:57 ч. Гринуич-4, Magnus Isaksson <magnus@vmar.se> написа:

Hello all!

I'm having quite some trouble with VMs that have a large amount of dropped packets on RX.
This, plus customers complain about short dropped connections, for example one customer has a SQL server and an other serevr connecting to it, and it is randomly dropping connections. Before they moved their VM:s to us they did not have any of these issues.

Does anyone have an idea of what this can be due to? And how can i fix it? It is starting to be a deal breaker for our customers on whether they will stay with us or not.

I was thinking of reinstalling the nodes with oVirt Node, instead of the full CentOS, would this perhaps fix the issue?

The enviroment is:
Huawei x6000 with 4 nodes
Each node having Intel X722 network card and connecting with 10G (fiber) to a Juniper EX 4600. Storage via FC to a IBM FS900.
Each node is running a full CentOS 7.6 connecting to a Engine

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