I had an issue like this where I was using a centos7 (targetcli iscsi) server which accidentally had LVM enabled upon reboot
which grabbed the RAID device and stopped targetcli from exporting the RAID disk as iscsi. 
It only showed up after a power outage and it took me a while to figure out what happened.

I had to stop and disable LVM on the iscsi server, use 'dmsetup ls' to see what it had touched and 'dmsetup remove' to clear them,
then restart the target service.

Somewhere along the way of troubleshooting targetcli decided to forget the volume,
but an earlier backup config had it so I copied that into place and got it running again.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 9:51 AM Kevin Doyle <kevin.doyle@manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
I am running a hosted engine using iscsi. I had to reboot the array, I took down all the VM's and put the VM data storage into maintenance mode. I also put the hosted engine "hosted-engine --set-maintenance --mode =global" and shut down the engine "hosted-engine --vm-shutdown" I also stopped the broker and agent systemctl stop ovirt-ha-broker' ; 'systemctl stop ovirt-ha-agent' The array was rebooted. I started the broker and agent systemctl start ovirt-ha-broker' ; 'systemctl start ovirt-ha-agent' However I now see errors in the vdsm log

INFO  (jsonrpc/4) [storage.TaskManager.Task] (Task='76547cc5-e4f0-454c-ac46-c341e7f6d54c') aborting: Task is aborted: "Storage domain does not exist: (u'5626eba7-ebd8-4578-baf0-ca4f4af5889b',)" - code 358 (task:1181)
2020-07-07 14:01:25,098+0100 ERROR (jsonrpc/4) [storage.Dispatcher] FINISH prepareImage error=Storage domain does not exist: (u'5626eba7-ebd8-4578-baf0-ca4f4af5889b',) (dispatcher:83)
2020-07-07 14:01:25,098+0100 INFO  (jsonrpc/4) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer] RPC call Image.prepare failed (error 358) in 0.07 seconds (__init__:312)
 INFO  (vmrecovery) [vdsm.api] START getConnectedStoragePoolsList(options=None) from=internal, task_id=93d7e2d6-17ee-4370-b8c4-fb32a3887021 (api:48)
2020-07-07 14:01:25,592+0100 INFO  (vmrecovery) [vdsm.api] FINISH getConnectedStoragePoolsList return={'poollist': []} from=internal, task_id=93d7e2d6-17ee-4370-b8c4-fb32a3887021 (api:54)
2020-07-07 14:01:25,592+0100 INFO  (vmrecovery) [vds] recovery: waiting for storage pool to go up (clientIF:709)

I have 6 hosts. I have tried rebooting them all, I have tried just running 1 host that was originally hosting the engine, but I cannot bring up the hosted engine. Has anyone any ideas ? how to reconnect the storage domain The hosted engine had its own iscsi disk separate from the VM's

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